Free dual pane file manager for Mac – Commander One
For all those who’ve been missing a famous dual-panel file manager for Mac, we tried to keep the best of what the classic solution offered, and did it with all the affection to macOS users.
Totally new Commander One for Mac is 100% naturally written in Swift and will bring back long forgotten feeling of fast & convenient keyboard and mouse Finder alternative.
Finder alternative
With Commander One you can use two panels at once, set up your very own hotkeys for any action, and way more. Moreover it is a free software that can be a great macOS Finder alternative.

Free Apple file manager
Commander One is packed full with most important features for perfect Mac file management. No matter if you are a professional user or just finding your way to becoming a pro in fully controlling your documents — Commander One is your all-in-one solution.
- iOS
- Android
- 7zip
- TarGz
- Layout
- Hotkeys
- Show hidden files
- Process viewer
- Built-in file viewer
Advanced search with RegExp support
Commander One lets you search for any files and folders on any disks even if compressed. You can use Regular Expressions for more precise search and make it case sensitive.
Search the contents
Search with Spotlight

PRO Pack feature list
You are welcome to use amazing PRO Pack features of Commander One for 15 days for free!
FTP Manager
Google Drive
Amazon S3


FTP Manager

Google Drive

Amazon S3







File Transferring
- iOS
- Android
ZIP, RAR, TBZ, TGZ, 7zip
Built-in process viewer
Terminal emulator
Manage your connections

Mount Devices
One place to work with content of all your devices no matter if it is iOS or Android device or even a photo/video camera.

iOS file transfer
You are getting an easy access to all photos on your iPhone or iPad. Edit them on your Mac and save to device.
MTP file transfer
You can browse your photos and videos conveniently on your Mac's screen without copying or transferring all of them back and forth.
Android file transfer
Just connect your device to Mac and it will be available as a mounted drive in Commander One.
Archiver for Mac
Commander One is a fast and simple Mac archiver, supporting multiple types of files. You can work with your ZIP, RAR, TBZ, TGZ, 7z files. We are working on adding the possibility to compress to RAR at this time.
Don't forget to enable search through compressed archives in your copy of Commander One!

Process Manager
All processes running on your Mac are easy to manage with Commander One. They are orderly displayed on screen and you can get full information about each of them.
Quit any process or all of them in one click in Commander One.

Terminal Emulator
You can execute terminal commands directly from Commander One.
/Advanced <ctrl+o>
For your utter convenience, Commander One has a built-in Terminal emulator with all needed options, but without jumping between the apps.

We have created various color themes to personalize your Commander One and you can tune your very own for unique appearance.