Dropbox Integration
Integrate many Dropbox accounts at a time and share Dropbox folders and files directly in Commander One with context menu.
Mount Dropbox as drive
An alternative to integration would be mounting your online Dropbox folder without actually installing it on Mac. This makes working with online files so much easier.
Dropbox Business
Do you know your Dropbox Business account can be in perfect synergy with Commander One? Benefit from extensive security and administration features.

How to map Dropbox as network drive on Mac


Download and install Commander One.

Download and install Commander One.

Open Connections Manager.

Open Connections Manager.

Select Dropbox, then follow the login instructions in your browser.

Select Dropbox, then follow the login instructions in your browser.

Now you can see, edit, create, and delete files in your Dropbox account.

Now you can see, edit, create, and delete files in your Dropbox account.

Online connections at your fingertips

All of your cloud accounts are within an easy reach in Commander One. They can be managed in a fast and reliable manner.

Frequently Asked Questions

Commander One is a dual-pane file manager for Mac. It allows you to perform various file operations, access and manage cloud drives and network servers, and provides advanced features such as FTP/SFTP client, archive management, and more to handle files efficiently.

Many users are satisfied with the capabilities of the built-in Terminal app on Mac, while others want more. Luckily, there are many great alternatives out there. Commander One, in particular, stands out and we recommend giving it a try. It’s an excellent Mac Terminal replacement that has an impressive array of features.

To extract multiple RAR files on Mac, there’s nothing extra you have to do. It’s common for files to be compressed in two or more RAR archives as it saves space and makes distribution easier. Just make sure you have all the parts of the archive and then extract them using software that supports RAR files, such as Commander One, like you normally would.

Commander One is a software that works with RAR, ZIP, 7ZIP, and many other file types on Mac. It’s a free tool that has a dual-panel interface for increased productivity and ease of use. The free version only lets you open .zip files. To get RAR files to work on Mac in Commander One, you’ll have to upgrade to the Pro version.